Saturday, March 28, 2009

Rediscovering dragons

Ian just finished reading the “My Father’s Dragon” series by Ruth Stiles Gannett to me.  I remembered reading “My Father’s Dragon,” “Elmer and the Dragon”, and “The Dragons of Blueland” when I was in elementary school. 

When Lisette was still learning to read I checked out “My Father’s Dragon” from the library.  It was one of the first chapter books that Lisette and I read together.  We enjoyed it so much that we read all three books, and then I bought the set for her and gave it to her for Christmas.  Since then Miles and I have read it together, and now Ian and I have finished it.


This charming book from the 1920’s is great book for beginning readers to read together with their parents; not to hard for the tykes, yet still engaging enough for mom or pop


Lisette said...

It wasn't Christmas. It was Chanukah.

Lorraine said...

I never get tired of books and reading.