Wednesday, December 31, 2008

One More Year

I love how the New Year gives you hope that you can do better and be better. With that thought , here is a New Years song by the Spanish group, Mecano.

En la Puerta del Sol
como el año que fue,
otra vez el champagne y las uvas y el alquitran
de alfombra están.
Los petardos que borran sonidos de ayer
y acaloran el ánimo para aceptar que ya
pasó uno más.

Y en el reloj de antaño,
como de año en año,
cinco minutos más para la cuenta atrás.
Hacemos el balance de lo bueno y malo,
cinco minutos antes de la cuenta atrás.

Marineros, soldados, solteros, casados, amantes, andantes y alguno que otro cura despistao.
Entre gritos y pitos, los españolitos, enormes, bajitos hacemos por una vez
algo a la vez.

Y en el reloj de antaño, como de año en año,
cinco minutos más para la cuenta atrás.
Hacemos el balance de lo bueno y malo,
cinco minutos antes de la cuenta atrás.

Y aunque para las uvas hay algunos nuevos,
a los que ya no están echaremos de menos
y a ver si espabilamos los que estamos vivos,
y en el año que viene nos reimos.

Uno, dos, tres y cuatro,
y empieza otra vez,
que la quinta es la una y la sexta es la dos, y así, el siete es tres.
Y decimos adiós
y pedimos a Dios
que en el año que viene
a ver si en de un millón
pueden ser dos.

En la Puerta del Sol,
como el año que fue,
otra vez el champagne y las uvas y el alquitrán,
de alfombra están.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Shave and a haircut

Last year for my birthday I got mustache wax and a beard brush. I was trying to get some curl on the end of my 'stash, but unfortunately my whiskers were too curly and I couldn't get the tips to stay up for very long.

I think for my birthday this year I may be getting an electric shaver.

So what do you think? Is the before or after better?

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Twilight, snow, friends and Barbies

Christmas afternoon I started to get tired and I took a nap. Melinda woke me and before I was fully and awake and in my right mind, I somehow consented to go see 'Twilight' with everyone. There was a group of about 9 of us so being in a crowd of family made it fun to laugh at all the super sappy romantic bits. The movie was an over-the-top chick flick. My favorite part was when the vampire hero Edward went into the sun and instead of disintegrating like any respectable historic vampire would, he "sparkled." It looked like he had a fight with some glitter glue and tragically lost. Yet, I have to say now I will feel more informed when I hear all of the Twilight references from my DW and DD. They have now both seen it 4 times now, but Connie and Wendy have seen it so many times that they've stopped counting.

It was snowing when we left the theater. The white blanket of snow covering everything, and the gently falling snowflakes illuminated in the amber street lights looked sublime. The roads were quite slick, but traffic was light and we had snow tires.

Saffron was very happy to play in the snow the next day. Here she is helping shovel the snow.

Ian and I did most of the heavy lifting.

Yesterday Melinda went out to dinner with her old high school pals, Jen and Amy to Paradise Bakery. I can't imagine how they managed to get out of their with only 1 cookie. Last time I was there I bought 2 dozen. Well I did give them away as gifts, but I swear, those cookies are like heroin!

After dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's tonight, Saffron brought me downstairs to play Barbies. I didn't really want to but she asked me so cutely and sweetly that I couldn't say no.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Peace on Earth

Last night Melinda and I went to see our friends Bob and Shirley sing at their church Christmas Eve program. We enjoyed hearing them sing and participating in the program. It was our first time to a Presbyterian service and we had a great time. I especially liked the orchestra and the band with bass guitar and drums.

The pastor gave a very moving sermon about Christ and having faith in Him. Later they dimmed the lights and we all held lit candles and sang. It was very festive and spiritual; a great way to spend Christmas Eve.

After we went to Arden and Lorraine's and we Lisette narrated the Christmas story while everyone participated as wise men, sheep, etc. They even included Samuel the Lamanite preaching about the birth of Christ and His coming. Samuel (played by Kevin) somehow miraculously missed being hit by scores of Nerf arrows. It was very nice to have a peaceful evening with family and remember the birth of Jesus. Saffron looked so cute holding a doll with Ian as Joseph at her side.

We got home a little late, but we kept our tradition of opening one present on Christmas Eve. We all drew names and the kids especially enjoyed buying gifts for each other.

We all slept in until around 9:00 when Lisette kept opening and closing our door to utilize our squeaky hinges as an alarm clock. The kids we're very happy to see that the Christmas Monkey didn't pass up our house and that he enjoyed his jungle snack (even if he did leave a big mess).

After peeking into their stocking we made a nice breakfast of hot cocoa, pop-overs, and vegetarian sausages.

The kids enjoyed opening their presents, and I enjoyed using my new camera!


Ian with his sock monkey

Saffron in her new holiday dress from Marsha

We spent the rest of the day up at Grandma and Grandpa's house. We had a lovely white Christmas the family, nice gifts, and good food.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

New camera and Chinese food

I got an early Christmas present today; a new camera! We ordered a Canon PowerShot SX10. All I can say that it is fabulous! I still haven't got the hang of all the features, but so far it has performed admirably. I'm especially impressed with how well it's done indoors at night with bad lighting.

Our intrepid intelligent instructor
My evil twin; aka 'skinface'

Our reluctant blossoming math genius

Our future video game designer

Mr. publicly taciturn privately loquacious
Shirley Temple has nothing on Saffron

Melinda went with her parents and most of her siblings to the temple this evening while I stayed home with the kids. They dropped by after with Chinese food and we had a little impromptu party.

Wendy and Arden
Karen, Kevin and Lisette

Colorful Brian, Dejah, and Saffron Ian, Scott, and Miles play Blokus
Lisette and Marsha

Monday, December 22, 2008

Lugubrious lengthy list

Here's a partial list of our very eventful December:
  • Lisette turned 12
  • It snowed
  • I was called to the Elder's quorum presidency
  • I shaved my beard for the first time in almost 10 years
  • I bought 2 suits and a pair of dress shoes
  • Lisette had her first band concert; she played her clarinet without squeaking once
  • We were robbed
  • We got new locks
  • Our computer died
  • Our used replacement computer won't stay on
  • I got a new laptop from work
  • It snowed
  • Melinda and I danced to a swanky live jazz band at my work Christmas party
  • We went to our ward Christmas party
  • We made 2 gingerbread houses at Melinda's family Christmas party
  • We ate 2 gingerbread houses in a week
  • Miles lost a tooth
  • It snowed yet again, (but much less than it does in Maine or Alaska)
  • I sang in the ward choir Christmas program
  • Saffy started singing "Halla-lula" around the house
  • Miles learned how to operate a snowblower
  • Ian read "Green Eggs and Ham" (and many other books) to Saffy
  • Saffy's catchphrase is no longer " the baby is not happy," but "I won't do it"
  • Both Lisette and Melinda have seen 'Twilight' three times
  • We've gone to the Clark Planetarium 3 times this month
  • Saffy and Ethan had a "first date"; they saw "The Tale of Desperaux"
  • We still haven't replaced our camera
  • We celebrated the 3rd night of Hanukkah by lighting the menorah and eating sufganiyot (jelly filled donuts)
  • We've wrapped all our Christmas presents
We're hoping the rest of the month is less eventful. Except for Christmas and New Years, of course.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Earthly posessions

Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:

But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:

For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

Matthew 6:19 - 21

Monday, December 1, 2008

Seussian baby holidays

For Halloween the cat in the hat came through
Out of his hat came thing one and thing two

Intending to wreak havoc they knew what to do

Little Zack and little Ben with hair the color of sky

Ready to eat the Thanksgiving pie

And they will eat it in a house
And they will eat it with a mouse

And they will eat it with their hands
And they will eat it out of pans

They are so cute, so cute, you see!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Post Thanksgiving post

OK, I suppose I should explain my last post a little bit. I'm not usually so keen on publicly making a fool of myself, but sometimes you just gotta bite the bullet. I thought about my parents and siblings not being together this Thanksgiving and it made me a little sad not to see everyone. Then I thought about losing the "Thanksgiving Song" tradition and that was just too much; I knew I had to do it.

Five or six years ago my brother Clair modified Adam Sandler's "The Thanksgiving Song" to include funny references to our family. He sang it after we ate pie and everyone loved it. It was so hilarious that he had all of us rolling with laughter. Then due to popular demand he did it again another year. Then he recruited me to accompany him with the guitar. Then finally last year I did guitar and sang a little with him.

My family has gotten together for Thanksgiving for several years now. They've made the trip from Alaska to Utah for several years so it's been really great time to get the whole family together. Not to mention my mom's a great cook and her pies are amazing.

So in a nutshell, even though we couldn't be together I was glad we could remember each other through a silly song and some of last years photos.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Song 2008

The Family Thanksgiving Song 2008

Love to eat turkey
Love to eat turkey

Love to eat turkey
'Cause it's good
Love to eat turkey
Like a good boy should

'Cause it's turkey to eat
So good

Turkey for me
Turkey for you
Let's eat the turkey
In my big brown shoe

Papa's favorite is
The pecan pie
If you eat in under 10 minutes
You'll make mom cry

Singing without Clair
Makes me feel like a dope
As long as it's not on
YouTube then there still is hope

James thinks he's the best fisherman
In the bay
But Brooke can catch more salmon
Than him any day

Turkey lurkey doo and
Turkey lurkey dap
I eat that turkey Then I take a nap

Thanksgiving is a special night
All the sisters used to say Dynomite
That's right
Turkey is much better than
The french fried frogs
Dad has been banned from
Ever stepping on logs

Turkey for boys
Turkey for girls
Ruthie has the cutest
Babies in the world

Michel's little students
think that she's the best
That is until she gave them all
That really hard test

After all the eatin'
We will take a little nappy
When Clair is a Dr.
He will be so happy

Connie is the queen
At the Barnes and Noble
Without her all their special events
Would all be reduced to rubble

Turkey for me
Turkey for you
Joy is still cuter
Than her boss tattoo

Me and Carrie's back pain
Can really hurt
But we still really rocked out
At The Police concert

Gobble gobble goo and
Gobble gobble gickel
I wish turkey
Only cost a nickel

Oh I love turkey on Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving to my family!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Family portraits




All of us

Friday, October 31, 2008

I do believe in spooks

Happy Halloween everyone. I haven't been posting too much lately, but today I am happy to celebrate my 200th post. Wahoo!

I've been a slacker photographer lately. I think I must be recovering from all the photos I took in Alaska. Maybe it's because everything just seems so mundane in suburbia after 3 weeks in the Great Last Frontier. But better late than never, here are pictures of the spooky pumpkins that the kids carved with Dejah last week.

A bat flying over the moon, a spider hanging out under his web...

...and Ian's broadly grinning spook.

I do believe in spooks, I do, I do, I do!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Burlap and springs

Right now I'm taking a community-ed upholstery class. I signed up so I could refinish some chairs that my mom and dad gave us. They're great chairs, but we wore out the seats and the foam started to come out.

However, the teacher thought it would be best for us to create some furniture from scratch, and then refinish our own stuff in the advanced class. So the first class we all designed an ottoman, the second class we built the frame, the third we learned how to sew, and the forth we stretched the burlap straps on the frame, and next week we'll attach the springs to the strap.

It's nice to have a post-summer project.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Cemetry Gates

A dreaded sunny day
So I meet you at the cemetry gates

So we go inside and we gravely read the stones
All those people, all those lives
Where are they now ?

With loves, and hates
And passions just like mine
They were born And then they lived
And then they died
It seems so unfair
I want to cry

A dreaded sunny day
So let's go where we're happy
And I meet you at the cemetry gates

Actually, it was a lovely sunny day so went to visit Wendy in her new condo, her posh Park City slope side condo. Very nice! We ate sandwiches and went for a walk. We enjoyed the crisp fall air and took a stroll over to a hidden historic Park City cemetery. It was the kind of cemetery that you think of when someone tells a spooky story around a campfire. It seemed a very appropriate October activity. However, I got the impression that Saffy just thought it was another fun playground.

Park City is always lovely in the fall and today was no exception. We're so happy that Wendy could finally get moved into her place. I'm sure she won't the commute up Parley's Canyon during the winter.