Saturday, October 16, 2010

The North Rim

Miles and I just got back from a trip to the Grand Canyon.  This was Miles first campout with the scouts and they invited me go along too.  We really had a great time!


Here’s Miles looking at the canyon from the edge of a cliff.


First hike of the trip.


The fall colors were so pretty.  The douglas fir were deep green, the aspens were golden yellow and there were scattered red maples.

IMG_0821 Our camp was under the pines, and Miles gathered up great bundles of needles and made an awesome fire.



The Grand Canyon is really big!


Friday, October 8, 2010

Progression of Stuff

Hello everybody! Sorry for the long absence. Dad's been really distracted, so now I'm probably going to post more than he is. Since we've been busy here is a brief summary of what we've been up to.
  • Miles turned twelve! Here he is with his birthday present, geddit?
  • Miles also was ordained a deacon today.
I've been taking clarinet lessons, and Dad is starting to!

Most importantly we've been taking care of this cutie. Hmm... does he seem familiar to you?

Yep, it's Nigel! He is four months old today. He's ultra cute, but unbelievably barfy.

So that is the main summary of every thing. Hopefully we'll update more often. Until next time!

Friday, June 11, 2010


Yeah! Yesterday at 4:52 pm Nigel Henry Canfield was brought into this world weighing 9 lbs 7 ozs and 22 inches long. What a big baby!