Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Wasatch Wildflower Festival

Saffy, Miles and Ian joined me early Saturday morning so we could go to the Wasatch Wildflower Festival at Albion Basin. 

It was fun because we got the same guide as last year.  I was excited to identify several varieties that I had been wondering about. Last night I was able to correctly label four plants from a previous blog post.

We all had a good time and barely noticed the rain.  Saffy was a great little hiker and Miles and Ian are getting quite good at flower identification. 

Larkspur, Delphinium nutallianum

Sticky geranium, Geranium viscosissimum; blue flax, Linum lewisii and Engelmann's aster, Aster engelmannii

Indian paintbrush, Castilleja spp.

Pearly everlasting,  Anaphalis margaritacea

Sticky geranium, blue flax, little sunflower with sulphur buckwheat, Erigonum umbellatum

False hellebore or corn lily; Veratrum californicum

Beautiful meadow

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