Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Grand theft poetry

Dejah told Lisette and Melinda about "grand theft poetry." It's basically a mash-up of different poems. Here are some of the results from today's writing club.

The duck-billed platypus isn't easy to imagine
it began to go beserk
break, break, break.
Good bye proud world! I'm going home
I'll detonate to smithereens.

She walks in beauty, like the night
Out of the misty eastern cave
beyond this place of wrath and tears.
And up the mountain-sides of dreams
Into a sea of dew
I think that I will never see
the darkest evening of the year.

Great is the sun and wide he goes
close to the sun in lonely lands,
the solemn hour of midnight
and the mome raths outgrabe
those that I guard I do not love
on a whitened beach.

"The splendor falls on castle walls,"
Said a whiting to a snail
with a cargo of ivory.
I shant be long-you come to
of the straw for a bedding
who'll come a waltzing Matilda with me?
I have spread my dreams under your feet
watch the wall my darling
and they went to sea in a sieve.

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