Friday, November 2, 2007

Live in the now

Wednesday I picked up a book that caught my eye in the library; "Hyper-chondriac: One Man's Quest to Hurry Up and Calm Down" by Brian Frazer. It was a very funny read. Plus, it's always so reassuring to read of someone more neurotic than myself.

This is a guy with some serious issues (milk products make him faint,) yet he tackles them with such humor and grace. Some of the measures he goes to calm himself and conquer his anger seem absurd (his knitting group was a fiasco.) However, I find Frazer's action to improve his wellness instead of feeling like a victim quite inspiring. He serves as a good reminder not take yourself too seriously and try to see the humor in our misfortunes.

He came to realize he was just rushing through everything, trying to get to what came next. Joy in life comes through living it. It's a good reminder to "live in the now" and to let tomorrow take care of itself.

1 comment:

Eric said...

I better clarify this post. While I did enjoy this book I can't totally recommend it to everyone. I would give it an 'R' rating because of the language.