Friday, June 29, 2012

The Living Room Part Two

Ian and I went hiking last week to The Living Room, but we ran out of steam before the summit.  Yesterday we went back to try it again and this time we were victorious!

We saw lots of these lovely flowers.  I'm still trying to figure out what they are. I've been consulting my native plant books, but I haven't found them yet.

It was somewhat overcast so it wasn't too hot.  This is the view facing the U of U campus.

This is facing the south of the valley.  We could see all the way from the point of the mountain to the Great Salt Lake.

We were encouraged on how much better we did this week.  We went much further before we had to take a break and it seemed easier.

The view was beautiful; very stunning.  We could faintly hear music from Red Butte Garden below where someone had a wedding reception.  The sounds of traffic were very distant and it was peaceful up there.

It is called the Living Room because someone built all these great armchairs and couches out of slabs of sandstone.  We were very happy to have made it this time, and we lounged and enjoyed the sunset with the other hikers.

Ian likes to wear my favorite hat so I took my gardening hat.  It's great to keep the sun off me, but Melinda thinks I looks silly in it (she's probably right, like always).

I think that this flower is a thread-leafed daisy.  It's hard to be sure, but I think it's probably Erigeron filifolius. There were many of these growing in the cracks of the rocks.

We felt great after a little rest and we had a very pleasant walk down the mountain.  The valley was very pretty with the sun low in the sky.

We're trying to decide about next weeks hike.  I'm thinking we should check out Millcreek Canyon.

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