Friday, December 21, 2007

My mental jukebox

This morning while shoveling the driveway, an old Spike Jones song started playing in my mind:
My driveway is covered in snow
I'm so tired of shoveling it
But at least snow is pure, white, and beautiful
And it's better than shoveling...

Shaving cream, be nice and clean
Shave every day and you'll always look keen
Does anyone else have this problem? You're going along in your day and something triggers a song and you have to step back and figure out what you did and how it relates to this song. I can't tell you how often this happens to me. It's kind of bizarre.

This week Lisette's birthday flowers were looking a little sad and so I pulled out the dead ones. So a stupid song from the 80's (which I didn't even like) pops into my brain:
The flowers you gave me
Are just about to die
When I think about
What could've been
It makes me want to cry
(Could've been - Tiffany)
Maybe I've listened to way too much pop music in my life. When Melinda and I would first married we would have conversations and I would slip lyrics into the conversation. Boy, she hated that! It took me a while to break that habit, but every once and and while I'll do it.

We still have this ongoing joke concerning a particular Smiths lyric. Actually, I could quote a Smiths lyric for almost every situation (well at least every depressing situation.) We'll ask each other "do you still love me?" and then finish with the lyric:
I still love you, oh, I still love you
...Only slightly, only slightly less than I used to, my love

1 comment:

RhubarbLady said...

Cousin Trisha here-You should ask Melinda about the Chip"punks" and the library song. Does she still remember those? I glad we didn't get kicked out of the library but we did draw some annoyed glares. Tell Melinda that I still haven't forgotten about the frozen dinners-we'll plan later this month when we're all together.