Sunday, April 27, 2008

Pink birthday

Saffron was very happy with her pink cake and pink ice cream. She has been blowing candles out for other people's cakes, but finally she got to blow out her own!

Marsha gave her a pink tea set with cups that change color when you put water in them. They were a big hit.

Karen finished her graduate work at BYU this weekend. She already has a job working in Salt Lake at the University of Utah Hospital which she'll start in June after she goes back to Ghana.

I went to the Salt Lake Democratic convention on Saturday; it was pretty informative. I'm a delegate, so I can vote for the democratic candidates, but there weren't any elections in my precinct. I got to meet our local state representative, though, so that may prove helpful.

I'm not sure how involved I want to get in the political scene, but I think doing something at all will help me to be less cynical about the whole system.


Amy W said...

Saffron is such a little Melinda, not only in looks but creativity (though I'm not sure about the whole pink thing???)

Eric said...

She's totally a Mini-Melinda. You should hear Saffy's dramatic little fake cry; very Melindesque!

Melinda said...

Hey, I object to the fake cry comment! Just because I remember when I was three trying to make my fake crying sound like a fire engine......