Saturday, October 6, 2007

Choose ye this day

Kevin and Brian had an extra ticket to this afternoon's Priesthood Session, so they invited me to go with them. It was a very nice experience. I remember the last time I went my knees ached so bad because of arthritis and lack of legroom that it was just painful. This time I was fine and I enjoyed the talks immensely and felt the Holy Spirit there.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints does a wonderful job of teaching it's people how to live. The church is truly centered on Jesus Christ and his teachings and it helps it's members to become better people and how to be a disciple of Christ. It's amazing to see so many men and boys assembled not for a sports activity, but to listen of Christ and how to live righteously. These are some of the many fruits of the church.

Tonight we were taught to control our emotions and not become angry. We were taught to have vision, be faithful, be virtuous, and to work for good causes. We were taught to avoid pornography and the sins of this world.

The righteous men who taught us today were true examples of how to live. When we left the conference there were many protesters shouting at us. The contrast between the protesters and our Priesthood leaders tonight could not have been greater. It is not hard for me to choose which ones I would rather be like.

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