Sunday, October 21, 2007

Standing Together

Melinda went to the National Student Dialogue Conference this weekend. It's basically a Evangelical Christian and Mormon conference where they discuss doctrinal differences, similarities, and try to find common ground. It was sponsored by Standing Together which is an organization started by Rev. Greg Johnson to create understandings between Evangelical Christian and Latter-day Saints. Bob Millett spoke there as well, and we've both enjoyed his works, especially "A Different Jesus?" and "Grace Works."

Here are the highlights (and lowlights) of the rest of our weekend:
  • Ian and Miles bought a Lego Star Wars set with the money they have saved up
  • I played stay-at-home dad for 2 days
  • I have much deeper appreciation for all the work Melinda has to do everyday
  • Ian got an ear infection on Friday
  • Max (one of our mice) died - we were all very sad; especially Miles
  • Miles was the only one to make it to the primary program; everyone else was sick this morning
  • All the kids wanted to be "simpsonized" like their mom so we made a collage

1 comment:

Eric said...

I should probably clarify that Greg Johnson's Standing Together organization was actually created to help the Evangelicals of Utah work together more. However, part of their outreach has been to engage the Mormon community in a more positive way. These are the people who have come to Temple Square and the Conference Center grounds to show support for Mormons and to just be nice. They want to show that they do not support those who go to Temple Square to make a ruckus every General Conference.