Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Ian's World

In case you didn't know, Ian has his own planet: Phyramic. He isn't the leader and he doesn't technically "own" it, but he is Supreme Chief Inventor. It's really far from earth; one light year away. Luckily, Ian invented a super-dooper-xblooper rocket so he can travel there every night.

The planet is inhabited with different creatures. One of them is the cycagani, which is a kind of insect. People pull out and their tails and eat them, but their tails grow back again. There are also fire spiders, turtle mice, sontwos, and kamayaways. In the picture above, Ian has diagrammed some of the kamayaway's internal organs. He says, "they are interesting because one of their brains is in the neck, but the main muscle brain is in the lower back, but it's weird because they have other brains."

The main form of transportation on Phyramic is hovercrafts, which Ian (of course) invented. Below is another of Ian's inventions, a super hydro watch. If you push a button on it, it will give you a pet. It will also clean the pet's cage and water and feed it.

Every now and then Ian will give me updates on his planet, and he will explain the way things work there. But not too often, because he's busy inventing.

P.S. Ian wanted to say that he doesn't tell me too often not because he's busy inventing but because it would stress him out too much to be explaining how most of stuff works in one day.

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