Saturday, September 8, 2007

Saturday is a special day

Lisette's book club just finished reading Pippi Longstocking, so they had party last night where they made cookies and watched the movie at one of her friend's house. Miles made a quiz show game and played it with Ian and me. He had Harry Potter, famous places, famous landmarks and Star Wars trivia questions. Then after the kids were in bed, Melinda and I stayed up late reading.

Melinda got up early today to take Miles to his skateboarding lesson, but the rest of us slept in until 10:00. We were going to clean up the house, but no one felt like it so we all decided to have a school day instead. It was quite successful, too. Miles finished his novel, Tom Swift: Young Inventor - Into the Abyss, Ian read 12 easy reader books, and Lisette read 5 easy reader books in Spanish and did a lot of math. We really enjoy the flexibility of homeschooling; it works really well for us.

Saffron was very sweet this morning. She sat in my lap and kept bringing me new picture books to read as the other children did their homework. She looks so cherubic with her curly blond hair and her innocent, loving smile wearing only her diaper. Spending time with her and the other children this morning brings to mind what "joy and rejoicing in your posterity" means.

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