Saturday, September 15, 2007

Wheeler Farm

Today we all went to Wheeler Historic Farm. It's a working rural farm in the middle of the city. Since we went to the fair last week to see the farm animals, now we can see them in a more natural environment.

The kids enjoyed feeding the cow grass. We haven't ever done it, but you can buy tokens and then you can go milk the cows, or the feed the ducks, or take a tour of one of the historic buildings.

Saffron enjoyed the animals, but she kept covering her mouth. I couldn't tell if she was trying to keep the flies out or she just thought it stunk. They had milking cows, horses, chickens, sheep, turkeys and rabbits. We decided that rooster's crowing doesn't sound at all like cock-a-doodle-doo, or even like
ki-ki-ri-ki, as they say in Spanish.

The main point of us going today was they had a textile art exhibit. It ended up being more of a vendor driven event, than any real exhibit, still it was educational and entertaining. These young alpacas were really cute and friendly.

They had lots of people spinning wool and alpaca fibers. But I think the highlight was the weaving. Melinda and all the kids (except Saffron) got a turn on the loom. It was pretty cool to see how it works.

It's cool to see farm life and crafts from earlier days, but we have to admit we are very glad to be modern day city dwellers.

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