Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Diet Schmiet

Sigh. I've started dieting again. Actually, I need to change from the mindset of "dieting" to "changing to a healthy lifestyle." About two and a half years ago I hit my highest weight of 272. I'm 6'6" with a big frame, but that still put me in the "obese" category. So we got a really good stationary cycle from Vision Fitness and I started exercising and watching what I ate. I wrote down what I ate and I also took walks during my lunch break at work. After a few months I got down to 250, then maintained for a while, and then I actually below 240 for a while. Even though I was still in the "overweight" category, I was just barely over the healthy zone for my BMI.

It was pretty cool to wear a smaller size of pants again. When I went skiing I noticed how much easier it seemed, without 30 extra pounds on. I've actually maintained 240 for a while, but this summer I slipped to the 245 range, and just this month I hit 250. So it's time to get back to work. I'd like to eventually get down to 220, but I haven't been that size since I first went in the Army.

One book that was really helpful when I lost weight the first time was The 9 Truths about Weight Loss by Daniel S. Kirschenbaum. It was helpful to think of weight loss as a an attainable athletic goal. I found it useful to realize that my body will resist weight loss and that "moderation" doesn't work for weight loss; I needed to take big measures for change. It's also good to know that it is easier to maintain. I've maintained fairly well for a time, but I stopped exercising and I haven't been careful at all about what I eat.

So I guess the key is to keep doing what works for you. It worked for me in the past so I guess it's time to do it again.

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