Friday, August 24, 2007

Seaside, yet still docked

The Chicago skyline "dinner cruise" last night was big on the dinner, but small on the cruise. The water on the river had risen so much because all of the rain that the boat wouldn't clear some of the bridges, so we ate on a docked boat.

Luckily the main cabin was enclosed, so we stayed mostly dry. We did get a few breaks from the rain where we went up on top and took in the Chicago skyline, albeit a very static and limited portion of the skyline. By the end of the "cruise" the water had risen to almost 5 feet higher than usual (the captain had never seen it higher, and they had to jury-rig a gang plank for us to get back on the dock.

It was fun though. I had to make an effort to be sociable, but it actually wasn't as hard as I thought. It was actually nice to have people to converse with when you're traveling somewhere alone.

I was just glad that my flight wasn't scheduled for last night; they canceled 500 flights out of O'Hare because of the extreme weather. One of the company's tech support guy had his basement flooded, and there were power outages all over the place. Luckily the weather was good today and my flight was on time. It's so good to be home.

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