Thursday, August 2, 2007

Freedom From Data Act

Our home computer has been acting up. I have my own laptop, and I've got a computer at work, but Melinda and the kids have been complaining about all the problems with the family PC. So I finally broke down and started a restore (after all the simple fixes didn't work). But it has been absolutely killing me! I work with computers all day, so I need another PC to fix like a need a sliver under my fingernail. I took out all the memory except one stick, changed the CD drive, cables, hard drive and I STILL got errors trying to install XP. Finally I switched out the one remaining memory stick and voila!, everything started working again.

However, in the process I really blew it. While switching hard drives around I accidentily formated the wrong hard drive. Doh! I of all people should know better. But the worst part was I didn't have a backup. For shame. I am responsible for the backup of over 8 servers with redundant systems, yet I can't be bothered backing up my own stuff.

So I was slightly upset when it happened, but surprisingly it didn't take me too long to get over it. Years of documents, term papers, financial data, little programs and other digital bric-a-brac that I've collected for years are gone. Gone, baby, gone. But actually now that a couple of days have passed it actually feels liberating. It's as if our basement storage room (which is supposed to be a bedroom) was magically cleared of all the junk, papers, souvenirs, and boxes of stuff that is never used anymore. Sure, there's stuff I would have liked to have kept, but realistically, some of that stuff I haven't looked at in years.

So I'm not to broken-up about the loss. I would have been if it had been all my photos and family history, but it wasn't. So in the future I'm going to be more careful with the stuff I care about, but maybe I'll also be more careful about not saving so much junk in the first place.

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