Sunday, August 19, 2007

You can pick your nose, but you can't pick your Primary teacher

I went to Ian's Primary class today. Some of his Primary teachers have mentioned that he looks really mad or depressed during sharing time. Supposedly he covers his ears during singing time, he scowls, he puts his face to the wall, and he won't talk. So today I went and sat with his class to see how he's doing. I suppose it was a good thing I did because his teacher didn't show up and so I taught his class.

His class was quite fun and quite funny. I was teaching "How We Show Jesus We Love Him." The lesson had me give 6 clues to guess who someone was. The first clue was, "He loves you." Jesus!, they all replied. That kind of made the other clues extraneous. After I kept going until the 4th clue, one astute girl said, "Jesus is the answer to everything."

The kids have pretty good ideas about how you show your love to Jesus, but somehow they got sidetracked about picking your nose. They they procceed to discuss where you shouldn't put your boogers: under your tongue, on your elbow, in your ear, back in your nose, on your shoe, on your eyeball, etc...

Anyway, I thought about Ian and his participation problem in Primary sharing time. I think he's fine. Obviously he could use a little coaching and some more church social skills, but I'm not too worried about him. I had my fair share of church behavioral problems when I was a kid; his don't seem too bad.

I remember my dad marching me over to my Sunday School teacher's house to apologize for my outrageous behavior. But what was weird about that was that I thought I was acting better that day. Anyway, I think Ian is just fine. Maybe we'll work and have him learn some songs at home and maybe I'll go to his class for a while. But as long as he goes and soaks up a few gospel messages without burning anything down, I'm perfectly happy.

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